Tuesday, 2 May 2017


Where Farmers Are Taking Lives, Women Refuse To Die
by Moin Qazi


In women like Amma  could sense the determination the women have  to keep to hold themselves  together for their  children’s sake to put together their lives as   best as they  could. They have  used the  courage of womanhood  to reinvent themselves and    acquired skills that they  need to survive to stand in as both father and mother for  their children   when they would miss a father the most to take care of and support cantankerous aging in-laws who were often hostile to her and critical of them.


Who’s Afraid Of Aadhaar UID?
 by Pratap Antony


It is up to us to stand up for ourselves, protect ourselves and fight corruption by opposing politicians from controlling us. We must not succumb to fear, the patriarch thought, Aadhaar innocently enters our private lives and gives us a false sense of protection, but in reality, it is a perpetual point of persecution intruding on our privacy while we are being profiled and kept under surveillance.